Dogs on the water

We are all dog lovers here and know how much fun it is to take our furry friends on the water with us.
Please be mindful of how your dog is likely to respond, if this is the first time venturing out we suggest an hours rental. Take the kit to the beach here so you can stay in the shallows, just in case your pooch turns out to be more of a land lubber than a salty sea dog.
Please do take lots of pictures of your adventures and tag us in them, we love to see what you've been up to.
Unfortunately due to the huge range of doggy visitors we have we are unable to provide dog buoyancy aids, if you would like to purchase one Windsport at Mylor stocks a range.
Of course we aren't limited to dogs, so feel free to inquire about bringing your pet cats, alpacas or gerbils along!*
*More unusual pets require some discussion when booking.